Blog devoted to linking environment and business in Puerto Rico.

Monday, March 17, 2008

The Green Issue: Online Resources

The Green Issue: Online Resources
Don't just sit there and read about it: empower yourself and motivate change.
This website provides a tool so that you can measure your carbon footprint. You can see how many earths would be required to support a population of people who lead a lifestyle similar to yours. This is a great place to start - it's a real eye-opener!
This website provides tips for living a more "green" lifestyle. It's geared toward "light green" consumers and offers daily tips for how we can each make incremental changes to our lifestyles which, over time, can lead to massive changes. They also provide an RSS feed with related information.
This site provides yet more tips on how one can lead a more "green" lifestyle. They provide a community setting and encourage registered users to participate in their discussion forums. Both newsletters and RSS feed are available.
This publication from National Geographic is a source of information about ways that consumers can lead a lifestyle that is healthier for the environment.
This site provides various tools and tips for green living, as well as links to sources of green products and services.
The mission of Stanford Center for Social Innovation is broad, but a key area of focus is sustainability. They publish a magazine and host events that highlight opportunities and challenges at the crossroads of economic, social, and environmental sustainability. They make interesting podcasts available through the Conversation Network at's Revolving Door database The database tracks anyone whose résumé includes positions of influence, in both the private and public sectors.

The Center for Public Integrity Nonprofit, nonpartisan research organization in Washington, D.C., that concentrates on ethics and public-policy issues.

The Bush Record The Natural Resources Defense Council's Bush Record site examines the Bush administration's environmental record by date and topic.

Bush Greenwatch's tracker on the Bush administration's environmental misdeeds.

Union of Concerned Scientists's A to Z Guide to Political Interference in Science From air pollution to Ground Zero, the A to Z Guide showcases dozens of examples of the misuse of science on issues like childhood lead poisoning, mercury contamination, and endangered species.

The Center for Public Integrity's Water Barons Investigative journalism about the water barons of the world.

International Water Management Institute Concentrates on water and related land-management challenges faced by poor, rural communities.

Public Citizen's Water for All Campaigns to keep water a public trust.

Waterkeeper Alliance Connects and supports local Waterkeeper programs, to provide a voice for waterways and their communities worldwide.

Sierra Club's Water Privatization Task Force Educates and advocates to prevent corporate control of water and of municipal water and sewer services, and to minimize use of bottled water, in order to protect eco-systems and community health.

Water Filter Comparisons Presents information on the performance capabilities, costs, and value of home water-filtration products.

Center for Health and the Global Environment of Harvard Medical School Investigates and promotes awareness of the human-health consequences of global environmental change.

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Assesses the scientific, technical, and socioeconomic information relevant for the understanding of the risk of human-induced climate change. Every five to seven years the I.P.C.C. issues a voluminous report on global climate—the largest exercise in scientific research ever undertaken. Documents ExxonMobil's funding of climate-change skeptics.

National Academy of Sciences Advises on the scientific and technological issues that frequently pervade policy decisions.

Climate Analysis Section of the National Center for Atmospheric Research Works to increase the understanding of the atmosphere through empirical studies and diagnostic analyses of the atmosphere and its interactions with the earth's surface.

The Heat Is Online From author Ross Gelbspan. Tracks and reports on global warming and its skeptics.

An Inconvenient Truth Site for the Academy Award–winning documentary featuring Al Gore.

Earth System Science Center, Penn State Its mission is to describe, model, and understand the earth's climate system. Michael Mann is the organization's director.

RealClimate Working climate scientists provide quick—apolitical—responses for the interested public and journalists. Co-founded by Michael Mann.

Sir Alister Hardy Foundation for Ocean Science Operates the Continuous Plankton Recorder survey. The international charitable foundation has been collecting data from the North Atlantic and the North Sea on the biogeography and ecology of plankton since 1931.

Marine Conservation Biology Institute The institute works to advance the science of marine conservation biology and to gain protection for ocean eco-systems.

Arctic Climate Impact Assessment Evaluates and synthesizes knowledge on climate variability, climate change, and increased ultraviolet radiation and their consequences.

Worldmapper Creates world maps on which territories are re-sized according to the subject of interest.

United Nations Map Library Houses more than 80,000 maps, some 3,000 atlases, gazetteers, travel guides, reference works, and digital products.

United Nations Atlas of the Oceans Provides information relevant to the sustainable development of the oceans.

Green Map System Locally created maps which chart the natural and cultural environments. The site promotes sustainability and community participation in the natural and built environments.

Wild World maps Interactive maps chart Earth's diverse eco-regions as characterized by distinct climate, ecological features, and plant and animal communities.

Scorecard Gives in-depth pollution report by state and county, covering air, water, chemicals, and more.

The Prince's Foundation for the Built Environment Seeks to put people at the center of the design process. It is an educational charity focused on "timeless and ecological ways of planning, designing, and building."

Accounting for Sustainability Develops systems to help organizations measure more effectively the environmental and social costs of their actions.

Carbon Footprint Calculate your carbon footprint.

Redefining Progress's Ecological Footprint 2.0 Measures how much of the earth's carrying capacity it takes to sustain humanity's consumption of goods and services.

World Wildlife Fund's Living Planet Report Chronicles the changing state of global biodiversity and the pressure on the biosphere arising from human consumption of natural resources.

Low Impact Living Provides resources and information to lower people's environmental impact in their homes and daily lives.

Zerofootprint Provides information, products, and services for the global network of consumers and businesses who wish to reduce their environmental impact.

Green Guide A go-to source for green-living tips and environmental news.

Worldchanging Collaborative blog dedicated to current events and news, also covering scientific issues. A broadband TV channel for environmental films which brings together films from a range of environmental organizations and independent filmmakers.

Care2 Environmentally oriented search engine, forum, and directory, with a shopping service that donates a portion of each sale to environmental causes.

Shopper's Guide to Home Tissue Products Information from the N.R.D.C. on choosing products and encouraging the use of greener, cleaner manufacturing processes by paper companies.

PaperCalculator Environmental Defense's Web-based tool does all the math to show how your paper choices make a difference in resource use. You can keep it simple and compare recycled content and paper amounts, or go advanced and include information about pulp and bleaching processes.

Earth 911 Plug in your Zip Code for community-specific resources to improve quality of life.

Environmental Protection Agency's eCycling Information and resources to help you recycle old consumer electronics.

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